Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fairness in Assessment & Learning Targets

Fairness in assessment is crucial. teachers should be able to create a lesson plan and assessment that does not diminish their success in any way because of the student's gender, race or background as well as their abilities. ethnicity, gender and race should not affect the students results. teachers should also take into consideration that each student has different abilities which they are successful at. for example one student could be great at numerical problems but have trouble at reading comprehension. while making an assessment, teachers should incorporate the individualism of talents of each student.

learning targets allows the teacher to set goals for each lesson. for example a goal for a lesson in addition might be that students will be able to do double digit addition problems. learning targets are a great way to help avoid distractions along the way. students, teachers and administrators will be able to "see" what knowledge they want the students to obtain after each lesson.

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